ClinMed International Library
Current website found at:
In 2015 this was the website for the ClinMed International Library, a repository and an open access publisher for medical research that covers a wide range of areas in Clinical Medicine.
Content is from the site's 2015 archived pages providing a brief glimpse of what this site offered its contributors and readership.
The current website for the ClinMed International Library is found at:
Dedicated to clinical medical research, ClinMed serves as a global platform for medical practitioners and research scholars, fostering their learning and professional acumen through an extensive portfolio of research articles and publications that may be accessed without any restrictions. Manuscripts submitted to ClinMed are processed through standard parameters and international peer review systems. All authors and researchers publishing their papers with the ClinMed International Library retain copyrights, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits the unrestricted use and re-use of the content with proper citation.
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Aims & Scope
Journal of Genetics and Genome Research publishes articles on all aspects of inheritance and novel insights into the genome biology of all organisms, including advances in genomic medicine. JGGR focuses on gene structure and organization, gene expression, mutation detection and analysis, linkage analysis and genetic mapping, physical mapping, cytogenetics, genomic imaging, genome structure and organization, disease association studies, comparative genomics, molecular evolution, genome-scale quantitative and population genetics, proteomics, epigenomics and systems biology.
Journal of Genetics and Genome Research is peer-review open access journal that ensures the publication of high quality articles in the form of original work, reviews, commentaries, shorts communications, letters, oral presentations and case studies. JGGR follows a fast track peer-review process with the support of its eminent Editorial board members. Two independent review comments followed by editor’s decision will be considered to publish the article. JGGR provides the readers with free and immediate access to its content and is a permanent archive of genetic information which under open access category serves the scientific community.
Current Issue
Extremely High Carrier Frequency of the GJB2 Splice Site IVS1+1G>A Mutation in Eastern Siberia is Comparable to the Carrier Frequency of the Sickle Cell Anemia in Africa
Nikolay A. Barashkov, Aisen V. Solovyev, Fedor M. Teryutin, Vera G. Pshennikova1, Leonid A. Klarov, Georgii P. Romanov, Sergey S. Nakhodkin, Kyunney E. Savvinova, Nyurgun N. Gotovtsev, Natalya A. Solovyeva, Andrei A. Kozhevnikov, Lena M. Vasilyeva, Elvira E. Fedotova, Maria V. Pak, Sargylana N. Lekhanova, Elena V. Zakharova, Adyum M. Rafailov, Nikolay V. Luginov, Anatoliy N. Alexeev, Olga L. Posukh, Lilya U. Dzhemileva, Elza K. Khusnutdinova and Sardana A. Fedorova
This study presents data on the carrier frequencies of IVS1+1 G>A mutation in GJB2 gene, causing by autosomal recessive form of deafness among various ethno-geographical groups of Yakut population and in a random sample of the Yakuts. 350 DNA samples of hearing individuals from various ethno-geographical groups of Yakut population: Central more
Association of XmnI (-158 γG) Polymorphism and Response to Hydroxyurea in Omani S/S and S/β Patients
Hassan SM, Al Muslahi M, Al Riyami M, Bakker E, Harteveld CL and Giordano PC
Objective: To describe the effect of Hydroxyurea (HU) treatment in Omani Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) patients with different beta-globin gene cluster haplotypes.
Materials and methods: A total of 52 cases treated with HU were enrolled in this study. Response to the drug was compared between patients with and without the XmnI more |
Correlation of Killer Immunoglobulin like Receptor Genes with the Rate of Cytomegalovirus Infection in Renal Transplantation Cases
Tejendra Singh Chauhan, Swayam Prakash, Raj Kumar Sharma and Suraksha Agrawal
Aim: Immune mechanisms of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection suggest a possible relationship between CMV with development of acute graft rejection. Current immune suppression impairs antiviral specifi T-cell immunity in solid organ transplantation. Inhibitory/ activating NK receptor bindings activated by self HLA antigens confront allogeneic cells that lack a ligand for specifi receptor. more
Replacing CFTR Sanger Sequencing in the Clinical Lab with a Reliable, Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing Assay
Shela Lee, Joy Radecki, Hsiao-Mei Lu, and Aaron M. Elliott
The clinical implementation of new target enrichment methods and next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology has rapidly transformed genetic testing. Diagnostic labs can now offer a wide variety of large comprehensive multi-gene panels or even full exome sequencing to help clinicians diagnose and treat patients. The unmatched sensitivity, accuracy and throughput of NGS more
Aspergillus flavus Blast2GO Gene Ontology Database: Elevated Growth Temperature Alters Amino Acid Metabolism
Perng-Kuang Chang and Leslie L. Scharfenstein
The availability of a representative Gene Ontology (GO) database is a prerequisite for a successful functional genomics study. Using the online Blast2GO tool we constructed a GO database of Aspergillus flvus, a plant and human pathogen. Of the predicted total 13,485 A. flvus genes 8,987 were annotated with GO terms. The more
Identification of Ten Novel Mutations in Factor VIII Gene: A Study of A Cohort of 52 Haemophilia A Patients
Rosa Santacroce, Angelica Leccese, Roberta Trunzo, Giuseppe Lassandro, Paola Giordano, Cosimo Ettorre, Stefano Antoncecchi, Isabella Cantori, Alfredo Dragani, Donata Belvini, Roberta Salviato and Maurizio Margaglione
Introduction: Haemophilia A (HA) is the most common X-linked recessive genetic disease caused by mutations in the gene coding for coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) resulting in spontaneous bleeding.
Aim: The aim of our study is to provide additional information about the genetic causes of HA describing the correlation between the observed more |
Aims & Scope
International Journal of Immunology and Immunotherapy is an open access journal which is an essential reading for scholars in all areas of immunological research and practical therapy studies. The journal publishes papers describing original work in all areas of immunology including cellular and molecular immunology, immunochemistry, immunogenetics, imaging, mathematical modelling, allergy, transplantation immunology, cancer immunology, clinical immunology and immunological therapies, physiological functioning of the immune system in states of both health and disease, malfunctions of the immune system in immunological disorders and therapies (autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivities, immune deficiency, transplant rejection), the physical, chemical and physiological characteristics of the components of the immune system in vitro, in situ, and in vivo are of prime interest.
International Journal of Immunology and Immunotherapy ensures the faster publication of high quality articles with the support of its eminent Editorial board members. Two independent review comments followed by editor's decision will be considered to publish the article. It encourage authors to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible.
Current Issue
Polarization of Human THP-1 Macrophages: Link between Adenosine Receptors, Inflammation and Lipid Accumulation
Michael J. Littlefild, Isaac Teboul, Iryna Voloshyna and Allison B. Reiss
Rationale: Macrophages are key players in inflammation and atherosclerosis. They express surface receptors of different subtypes for the endogenous autocoid adenosine. Macrophages within atherosclerotic lesions attain two clear-cut functional phenotypes M1 (pro-inflammatory) and M2 (immunosuppressive). This study examines the relative expression of adenosine receptors and proteins involved in cholesterol transport in .. read more
Cockroach Allergy, Respiratory Allergic Diseases and Its Immunotherapy
Oner Ozdemir
Cockroach allergen-derived proteases play a direct role on airway epithelial as well as dendritic cells thru activation of the protease activated receptor (PAR)-2. Cockroach-derived proteases lead to an increased penetration of cockroach allergen thru disturbing airway epithelial integrity, which can activate innate immune cells (e.g., dendritic cells) via binding to Toll-like .. read more
Aims & Scope
International Journal of Ophthalmology and Clinical Research is an international open access, peer review journal for visual science specialist and ophthalmologists. IJOCR serves the research field by publishing original articles in clinical and basic science research and other articles relating to sense of sight. Excellence in IJOCR is attained through unbiased peer review, elevated learning, advancement in innovation and discovery. IJOCR reviews articles and innovative research reports from clinical observations, clinical investigations and relevant lab investigations apt in the field of ophthalmology. IJOCR themes to publish complete and reliable information on present discoveries.
The journal mainly focused on publishing of medical and clinical research of basic and modern sense of vision, which are involved in recent advances of diseases like glucuma, uvetis, refractive surgery, cataract and other retina problems and also other related advances of eye science. IJOCR will be formally dispatched in June, 2014 are distributed as quarterly journal, on successive handling, while frequencies slowly secure the journal as bi-monthly to monthly along these lines. We are accepting article submissions for the approaching issue inside a month if articles are acknowledged for post-production. If an author interest lies between our necessities, generously go through author guidelines.
Current Issue
Reading Performance in Children with Visual Function Anomalies
Carla Costa Lanēa, Helena Serra and Joćo Prista
Aims: To compare reading performance in children with and without visual function anomalies and identify the influence of abnormal visual function and other variables in reading ability.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried in 110 children of school age (6-11 years) with Abnormal Visual Function (AVF) and 562 children with Normal .. read more |
Retinal Examination for the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
Umur Kayabasi, Robert C Sergott and Marco Rispoli
Objective: To demonstrate AD plaques in retina.
Methods: We examined 30 patients with Mild Cognitive İmpairment (MCI). In the patients in whom we found hyper or hypo florescent lesions on Fundus Auto Fluorescence (FAF), Optical Scanning Tomography (OCT) was performed through these regions to reveal depositions in the retina. Drusen like .. read more |
The Superhero Drugs for Choroidal Neovascularization; Anti-VEGF Agents
Abdullah Ozkaya
A decade ago, the treatment of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) secondary to various macular diseases like age related macular degeneration, pathologic myopia, and angioid streaks was a crucial challenge. Laser photocoagulation could might be performed for juxtafoveal and extrafoveal CNVs and different surgical treatment options like macular translocation surgery and subretinal CNV .. read more
Eye-Fixation Behavior in Major Depressive Disorder and the Influence of Pharmacological Therapy: A Microperimetric Study
Enzo Maria Vingolo, Serena Fragiotta, Alessandro Cutini, Pier Luigi Grenga and Giuseppe Bersani
Background: To evaluate retinal function and fixation stability in major depressive disorder (MDD) and the influence of antidepressant therapy, using the MP-1 microperimeter. Methods: 25 patients with MDD (57 ± 13.73 years) and 25 healthy subjects (HS) (56.41 ± 15.73 years) were enrolled. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of .. read more
Etiology of Fourth and Sixth Nerve Palsies: a Single Ophthalmology Clinic's Perspective
Hande Taylan Sekeroglu, FEBO, Kadriye Erkan Turan, Umut Arslan, Emin Cumhur Sener and Ali Sefi Sanac
Purpose: To ascertain the etiology of fourth (CN4) and sixth nerve palsies (CN6) in an ophthalmology clinic. Methods: This retrospective study consisted of 176 patients with fourth and sixth nerve palsies in a strabismus clinic. Demographic features and etiology were recorded. Results: One hundred and three patients with fourth nerve palsy .. read more
Volunteer reviewers share their profiled expertise and devote valuable hours of their time to guarantee that submitted solitary articles are timely and well-intentioned of insertion in their publication. Within a span of one week of being submitted, each journal article is screened for preliminary review by the journal editor.
The journal handling editor decides among four options for routing the paper aptly:
- Send out for review
- Transfer (to another CMIL journal)
- Reoccurrence without review (outside of scope)
- Return without review (grammar/syntax errors)
When a journal paper is reviewed, one of the four options are available to the reviewers and editor:
- Accept in present form
- Revise for Editor alone
- Re-reviewing advised
- Declined final
Manuscripts must represent technically proficient work; however, the primary criterion for acceptance or rejection will be the base on scholarly work level of practical or reader interest.
Screening by editors can be facilitated precisely by following the below appended norms:
Send out for review
The document comes across the basic requirements declared by CMIL and the journal. At least two reviewers will be set by the journal editor, who will send each reviewer a copy of the paper. The reviewers mend the manuscript and send in their review, selecting one of the recommended options and evaluating the paper. The reviewers send their reviews to the editor, who examines the reviews and completes a final review. The editor then forwards the reviews to CMIL. The journal handling editor for the journal communicates the results of the editor's decision to the authors.
Transfer (to another CMIL journal)
The editor and/or reviewers may choose that the paper is not suitable for the journal and would be more appropriate to a different CMIL journal. In this case, the decision is to recommend that the authors transfer the paper to the different CMIL journal.
Reoccurrence without review (outside of scope)
The editor and/or reviewers may elect that the paper is not suitable for the journal. The editor or reviewers may explain why the paper is outside the journal's scope and/or suggest a non-CMIL journal that would be appropriate.
Return without review (grammar/syntax errors)
The editor may determine that the paper has sufficient problems with english grammar and syntax that it is not ready for review in CMIL.
Review Decisions by Reviewers and Editors
Accept in present form
Based on two or more reviews, the editor decides that the manuscript is ready for publication in its present form. The editor sends the two reviews and his recommendation to CMIL respectively and later the further communication with author is carried out by editorial office.
Revise for Editor alone
Based on at least one or more reviews, the editor decides that the manuscript is almost ready for publication; however, there are a few content changes that need to be approved before final acceptance. The editor sends the two reviews and his recommendation to CMIL respectively and later the further communication with author is carried out by editorial office.
Re-review Required
Based on at least two reviews, the editor decides that the manuscript is not ready for publication; this decision is neither an acceptance nor a decline. The editor sends the two reviews and his recommendation to CMIL respectively and later the further communication with author is carried out by editorial office.
If the authors wish to take it further, they revise the paper and send it to CMIL, along with a letter that explains how the reviewer's comments have been addressed. The revised paper and letter are forwarded to the editor, who reviews them and completes a new review. The editor sends the two reviews and editor comments and his recommendation to CMIL respectively and later the further communication with author is carried out by editorial office.
Declined final
Based on at least two reviews, the editor decides that the manuscript is not appropriate for publication. The editor sends the reviews to ASCE and the Editorial Coordinator communicates this decision along with the reviews to the authors, alerting them that no further revisions will be considered.
Note: A manuscript that has once been declined or rejected may not be peer reviewed again in our CMIL journals.